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Fan Council Elections

Jun 30, 2023

Dear Fellow Insiders,

Join the U.S. Soccer Fan Council and be a spokesperson for U.S. Soccer fans.

Established in 2017, the U.S. Soccer Fan Council gives fans an official voice and vote in Federation policy-making, Presidential elections, budget adoption and more.

Representatives are elected by Insiders at the Premium level or higher. The upcoming election will choose two representatives to serve up to a 4-year term. Representatives will be expected to participate in quarterly in-person meetings, including the U.S. Soccer Annual General Meeting (AGM), as well as monthly teleconferences.

We invite you to be part of U.S. Soccer’s Fan Council by applying to serve as a representative. Candidacy applications must be received no later than 11:59pm PT on Friday, October 6.

Learn more about the candidacy and election process below.

Sincerely,U.S. Soccer

P.S. Want to participate, but still have some unanswered questions?

Email us at [email protected].

Candidates must:

Note: You may not be a dual representative at the AGM. (For example: active Member of the Youth Council and an active U.S. Soccer Insider.)

Current Fan Council representatives will vote among themselves to select the top twenty-five (25) candidates from eligible candidate applications.

These twenty-five (25) eligible candidates will be exhibited on an online platform.

All active paid Insiders will have the opportunity to vote for their preferred representatives in an online election, lasting no less than 7 days.

From the pool of twenty-five (25), the top two (2) candidates who receive the most votes will be elected as representatives of the Fan Council.

The Fan Council meets quarterly in-person. These meetings include: the AGM and other meetings as agreed to by the Fan Council and U.S. Soccer.

At the meetings, the Fan Council discusses governance issues with U.S. Soccer staff, learns about Federation policies, and reviews anticipated AGM discussion points, which may include: leadership elections, budgets, amendments, bylaws and more.

The Fan Council selects which of its participants will serve as the two (2) official voting Delegates at the AGM, and which will be Alternates.

Please note that U.S. Soccer covers registration costs for all AGM Delegates. Alternates will be responsible for the cost of their registration. Flights for quarterly meetings are covered by U.S. Soccer, but all other costs associated with attending these meetings are incurred by the representatives. The first Fan Council quarterly meeting with U.S. Soccer will be held at the AGM.

The 2024 AGM will take place in Dallas, TX from Thursday, February 8 - Sunday, February 11.

Estimados Insiders,

Únanse al U.S. Soccer Fan Council y sean la voz de los fanáticos del fútbol estadounidense.

Establecido en el 2017, el U.S. Soccer Fan Council les brinda a los aficionados una voz y voto oficial en la formulación de políticas de la Federación, las elecciones presidenciales, la adopción de presupuestos y más.

Los representantes son elegidos por Insiders del nivel Premium o superior. En las próximas elecciones se elegirán dos representantes para un mandato de máximo cuatro años. La expectativa es que los representantes participen en reuniones trimestrales en persona, incluyendo la Asamblea General Anual (Annual General Meeting; AGM) de U.S. Soccer, y en teleconferencias mensuales.

Te invitamos a ser parte del Fan Council de U.S. Soccer postulando para servir como representante. Las solicitudes de candidatura deben recibirse a más tardar a las 11:59 p.m. PT del viernes 6 de octubre.